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Former P&T Members


Susan Amussen, Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, UCPT representative
Robin DeLugan, Vice-Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Robert Hillman, UC Davis
David Kelley, School of Natural Sciences
Changqing Li, School of Engineering
Elizabeth Whitt, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Matt Hibbing, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (Spring 2024)
Kevin Mitchell, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Natural Sciences (Spring 2024)
Patricia LiWang, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Natural Sciences (Fall 2023)
Matt Hibbing, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (Fall 2023)


Susan Amussen, Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, UCPT representative
Reza Ehsani, Vice Chair, School of Engineering
Robert Hillman, UC Davis
David Kelley, School of Natural Sciences
Changqing Li, School of Engineering
Lin Tian, School of Natural Sciences

Elizabeth Whitt, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Patti LiWang, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Natural Sciences
Holley Moyes, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts


Lin Tian, Chair, School of Natural Sciences, UCPT representative
Susan Amussen, Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Paul Brown, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (Fall 2021)
YangQuan Chen, School of Engineering
Robert Hillman, UC Davis
David Kelley, School of Natural Sciences
LeRoy Westerling, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Engineering
Patti LiWang, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Natural Sciences


Lin Tian, Chair, School of Natural Sciences, UCPT representative

Susan Amussen, Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts

Jan Wallander, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (Fall 2020 only) 
Jian-Qiao Sun, School of Engineering
Andy LiWang, School of Natural Sciences (Spring 2021 only)
Robert Hillman, UC Davis
Robin DeLugan, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
LeRoy Westerling ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Engineering


Lin Tian, Chair, School of Natural Sciences, UCPT representative

Jan Wallander, Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts

Susan Amussen, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (fall 2019 only)
Robert Hillman, UC Davis
Andy LiWang, School of Natural Sciences (term ended July 1, 2020)
Jian-Qiao Sun, School of Engineering
Tom Hansford, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Robin DeLugan ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts


Robert Hillman, Chair, UC Davis

Tom Joo, Vice Chair, UC Davis

Jan Wallander, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, UCPT representative
Andy LiWang, School of Natural Sciences
Susan Amussen, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Kurt Schnier, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Anne Kelley, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Natural Sciences


Robert Hillman, Chair, UC Davis

Tom Joo, Vice Chair, UC Davis

Steve Hart, School of Natural Sciences

Jan Wallander, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts

Andy LiWang, School of Natural Sciences

Susan Amussen, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Kurt Schnier, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts


Patricia LiWang, Chair, School of Natural Sciences, UCPT Representative

Tom Joo, UC Davis

Susan Amussen, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Kurt Schnier, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts


Onuttom Narayan, Chair, UC Santa Cruz

Tom Joo, UC Davis

Cristian Ricci, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Josh Viers, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Engineering


Onuttom Narayan, Chair, UC Santa Cruz
Paul Maglio, Vice Chair, School of Engineering
Jodie Holt, UC Riverside
Tom Joo, UC Davis
Jian-Qiao Sun, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Engineering
Cristian Ricci, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts


Robert Hillman, Chair, UC Davis
Jodie Holt, Vice Chair, UC Riverside
Tom Joo, UC Davis
Ignacio Lopez-Calvo, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts
Jian-Qiao Sun, ex-officio, non-voting, Senate Vice Chair, School of Engineering


Robert Hillman, Chair UC Davis
Jodie Holt, Vice Chair UC Riverside
Tom Joo UC Davis
Anne Kelley, Fall 2012 only UC Davis
Peggy O'Day, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, Natural Sciences
Ignacio Lopez-Calvo, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, SSHA



Robert Hillman, Chair UC Davis
Jeannie Darby, Vice Chair UC Davis
Jodie Holt UC Riverside
Tom Joo UC Davis
Susan Amussen, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, SSHA
Peggy O'Day, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, Natural Sciences



Robert Hillman UC Davis
Jeannie Darby UC Davis
Jodie Holt UC Riverside
Tom Wickens UC Berkeley
Evan Heit, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, SSHA
Anne Kelley, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, Natural Sciences



Robert Hillman UC Davis
Jeannie Darby UC Davis
Jodie Holt UC Riverside
Carolyn Martin Shaw UC Santa Cruz
Tom Wickens UC Berkeley
Martha Conklin, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, Engineering
Evan Heit, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, SSHA



Peggy O'Day Natural Sciences
Robert Hillman UC Davis
Jodie Holt UC Riverside
Carolyn Martin Shaw UC Santa Cruz
Martha Conklin, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, Engineering
Michael Colvin, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, Natural Sciences



Gregg Herken SSHA
Roland Winston Engineering/Natural Sciences
Dunya Ramicova SSHA
Jodie Holt UC Riverside
Carolyn Martin Shaw UC Santa Cruz
Shawn Kantor, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, SSHA
Roger Bales, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, Engineering



Anne Kelley Natural Sciences
Roland Winston Engineering/Natural Sciences
Christopher Viney Engineering
Jodie Holt UC Riverside
Shawn Kantor, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, SSHA
Tom Harmon, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, Engineering



Anne Kelley Natural Sciences
George Blumenthal UCSC
Christopher Viney Engineering
Shawn Kantor SSHA
Tom Harmon Engineering
Roland Winston, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair (Fall 2005), Engineering
Anne Kelley, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair (Spring 2006), Natural Sciences
Henry Forman, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, Natural Sciences



Art Woodward SSHA
Peggy O'Day Natural Sciences
Gregg Herken SSHA
Shawn Kantor, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Chair, SSHA
David Ojcius, ex-officio, non-voting Senate Vice Chair, Natural Sciences