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Graduate Council (GC)


Graduate Council (GC) advises the Merced Division and Administration on all matters related to graduate education. GC establishes policies for graduate education at Merced, and authorizes, supervises and regulates all graduate courses and graduate programs of instruction. This includes making recommendations to the Merced Division and the Systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA) on the establishment of new graduate programs leading to graduate degrees, and any substantial change to existing graduate programs. GC maintains liaison with the CCGA.
For a complete description of GC’s duties please see the committee’s bylaws

AY 24-25 Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes

2024-2025 Membership

Current Members:


Ex-Officio (non-voting):

  • Kevin Mitchell, Senate Chair, School of Natural Sciences

  • Courtenay Monroe, Senate Vice-Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts­­­­­

  • Hrant Hratchian, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education

  • TBD, Postdoctoral Scholar

  • Rachel Casper, Graduate Student Representative


​​​​​Consultants (non-voting):

  • Erin Webb, University Registrar

  • Derek Devnich, Director of UC Merced Center for Data Services, Library

Calendars of Academic Programs and Courses:

Past Academic Calendars

Corresponding System Commitee:

Annual Reports


Petra Martins

Senate Analyst


Melanie Snyder

Senate Senior Analyst


Fatima Paul

Executive Director

Phone: 209-756-6965