Academic Senate Awards
The Academic Senate offers nine awards. Each provides the opportunity to publicly recognize the outstanding achievements of colleagues by making their contributions known to the UC Merced community and society at large.
2024-2025 Academic Senate Awards
Academic Senate Faculty Research Grants
The UC Merced Academic Senate Faculty Research Grants program is designed to support the research of Academic Senate faculty by enabling their scholarly activities, including those that facilitate the pursuit of extramural research funds. Grants are awarded to help sustain and accelerate research productivity in the absence of other appropriate sources of research funding. This funding program is administered by the Committee on Research (COR).
Antiracism Mini Grants
The Merced Division of the Academic Senate is committed to upholding the UC Merced Commitment to Diversity. The Academic Senate reviews mini-grant proposals focused on identifying, reimagining, dismantling, and revising structurally racist policies and practices to promote a more inclusive campus and academy. This funding program is administered by the Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).
Senate Faculty Professional Development Grants
In 2022-2023, the Academic Senate offered professional development grants to Senate faculty with funds from the Senate's portion of the MacKenzie Scott campus gift. These grants were managed by the Committee on Faculty Welfare and Academic Freedom (FWAF).
Graduate Student Supplemental Travel Award
In 2023-2024, the Academic Senate offered graduate student research grants to Senate faculty with funds from the Senate's portion of the MacKenzie Scott campus gift. These grants are administered by the Graduate Council (GC) and the Graduate Division.
Call opens April 26, 2023; closes May 26, 2023
Call opens August 28, 2023; closes September 28, 2023
Call opens December 4, 2023; closes January 4, 2024
Call opens April 22, 2024; closes May 22, 2024
Call opens August 26, 2024; closes September 26, 2024
Call opens December 2, 2024; closes January 2, 2025
All funds must be used by May 30, 2025.
Undergraduate Student Research Grants
In partnership with the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC), Undergraduate Council (UGC) offered grant funding in the amount of $60k to undergraduate students for faculty-mentored research projects.
Please visit the UROC website for the call and more information about this program.
Academic Senate Faculty Instrumentation Grants
In 2022-2023, the Academic Senate offered instrumentation grants to Senate faculty with funds from the Senate's portion of the MacKenzie Scott campus gift. These grants were managed by the Senate Committee on Research (CoR).