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Divisional Council (DivCo)


Divisional Council (DivCo) is the administrative arm of the Merced Division of the Academic Senate. It acts on behalf of the Division on non-legislative matters.  It advises the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee on the establishment of academic and research units and facilitates consultations between Administration and appropriate committees of the Division. Occasionally, DivCo establishes special committees to study and report to the Divisional Assembly on concerns that are not within the jurisdiction of existing committees. DivCo maintains liaison with the Academic Council.
For a complete description of DivCo’s duties please see the committee’s bylaws

AY 24-25 Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes

2024-2025 Membership

Current Members:


*Professor Kara McCloskey served as CAPRA Chair and UCPB Representative in Fall 2024.

** Non-voting member.


Corresponding System Committee:

Systemwide Representatives:

Annual Reports

Fatima Paul

Executive Director

Phone: 209-756-6965