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Undergraduate Council (UGC)


Undergraduate Council (UGC) establishes policy for undergraduate education on the Merced campus and advises the Chancellor or Chancellor’s designee on all matters pertaining to undergraduate education. UGC reviews, coordinates, and takes final action on all matters relating to courses of undergraduate instruction and approves or declines to approve, the establishment, discontinuation, or modification of undergraduate programs, majors, minors, courses, and certificates. UGC maintains liaison with the following systemwide committees:
For a complete description of UGC’s duties please see the committee’s bylaws

AY 23-24 Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes

2023-2024 Membership 

Current Members:


Former AY 23-24 Members:


Ex-Officio, Non-Voting:

  • Matt Hibbing, Senate Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (Spring 2024)

  • Kevin Mitchell, Senate Vice-Chair, School of Natural Sciences (Spring 2024)

  • Brian O'Bruba, Interim Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs (or alternate) (Starting July 1, 2024)

  • Brian Utter, Interim Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education

  • Josue Cantu, Undergraduate Student Representative (Fall 2023)

*Professor Patricia LiWang, School of Natural Sciences, served as the Senate Chair and Ex-Officio in Fall 2023.

*Professor Matt Hibbing, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, served as the Senate Vice-Chair and Ex-Officio in Fall 2023.

*Charles Nies served as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs through June 30, 2024 (alternate: Heather French, Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students, Student Affairs).


Non-Senate Academic Council Representative, Non-Voting:

  • Pooja Chopra, Lecturer, School of Natural Sciences

Corresponding Systemwide Committees:

Calendars of Academic Programs and Courses:

Past Academic Calendars

Former Members

Annual Reports

Committee Handbook (pending revisions)

Melanie Snyder

Senate Senior Analyst


Fatima Paul

Executive Director

Phone: 209-756-6965