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AY 2021-2022 Senate Slate

LeRoy Westerling, Chair
Patti LiWang, Vice Chair
Ramesh Balasubramaniam (CAP)
Abbas Ghassemi (AFAC)
Erin Hestir (GC)
David Jennings (FWAF)
Kevin Mitchell (CAPRA)
Holley Moyes (UGC)
Jesus Sandoval-Hernandez (EDI)
Jason Sexton (CoR)
Christopher Viney (CRE)
Martin Hagger, CoC Chair
Jeffrey Butler, At-Large
Justin Yeakel, At-Large
Min Hwan Lee, At-Large

Abbas Ghassemi, Chair
Erik Menke, Vice Chair

Charlie Eaton
MariaElena Gonzalez
Sachin Goyal 

Ramesh Balasubramaniam, Chair
Sayantani Ghosh, Vice Chair

Reza Abbaschian, UCR

Nancy Burke 
Kathleen Hull
Michele Nishiguchi
Peggy O'Day
Manuel Martin-Rodriguez

Michael Saler, UCD
Mukesh Singhal


Martha Conklin, Chair
Arnold Kim

Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
Michael Dawson
Gerardo Diaz

Kevin Mitchell, Chair
Paul Almeida, Vice Chair

Jayson Beaster-Jones
Reza Ehsani
Patti LiWang 
Florin Rusu


Martin Hagger, Chair
Irenee Beattie, Vice Chair

Marc Beutel
Wei-Chun Chin

Sarah Depaoli (Spring 2022)
Alexandra Main 
Peggy O'Day
Sholeh Quinn (Fall 2021)
Mukesh Singhal


Jason Sexton, Chair
Tao Ye, Vice Chair

David Ardell
Anand BalaSubramaniam
Mehmet Baykara
Jeanette Cobian

Brad LeVeck
Susana Ramirez



Christopher Viney, Chair
Anna Song, Vice Chair

Miriam Barlow
Nate Monroe


Jesus Sandoval-Hernandez, Chair
Josue Medellin-Azuara, Vice Chair

Dan Edwards
Dong Li
Sean Malloy

Carrie Menke (Spring 2022)
Suzanne Sindi


David Jennings, Chair
Tea Lempiala, Vice Chair
Jayson Beaster-Jones
Carolin Frank
Sarah Loebman
Daisy Reyes
Henry Forman


Erin Hestir, Chair
Sandie Ha, Vice Chair

Nigel Hatton
Hrant Hratchian (Term ends July 18, 2022)
Boaz Ilan (Fall 2021)
Changqing Li
Kara McCloskey
Karl Ryavec
David Strubbe 
Frederick Wolf (Spring 2022)

Maria DePrano, Chair
TBD, Vice Chair
Virginia Adan-Lifante
Jessica Blois
Chih-Wen Ni
Ken Yoshida 


Lin Tian, Chair
Susan Amussen, Vice Chair
Paul Brown
YangQuan Chen
Robert Hillman, UCD
David Kelley

Holley Moyes, Chair
Ryan Baxter, Vice Chair

Eileen Camfield
Arvind Gopinath
Alejandro Gutierrez
Matthew Hibbing (Fall 2021)
Carolyn Jennings (Spring 2022)
David Kaminsky
Jason Lee
Michelle Leslie
Brian Utter 
Siddaiah Yarra


*non-voting member


DivCo: Divisional Council

AFAC: Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

CAP: Committee on Academic Personnel

RCAP: Reserve Committee on Academic Personnel

CAPRA: Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation

CoC: Committee on Committees

COR: Committee on Research

CRE: Committee on Rules and Elections

EDI: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

FWAF: Faculty Welfare and Academic Freedom

GC: Graduate Council

LASC: Library and Scholarly Communication

P&T: Privilege and Tenure

UGC: Undergraduate Council