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Committee on Committees (COC)


The Committee on Committee (CoC) appoints the members of all standing and special committees as well as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Division and the Secretary/Parliamentarian. CoC maintains liaison with the University Committee on Committees (UCOC). 
For a complete description of CoC’s duties please see the committee’s bylaws.

AY 24-25 Schedule of Meetings

2024-2025 Membership

Current Members:


Ex-Officio (non-voting):

  • Kevin Mitchell, Senate Chair, School of Natural Sciences

  • Courtenay Monroe, Senate Vice-Chair, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts­­­­­

Corresponding System Committee:

CoC’s Guide to Populating Academic Senate Committees: Leadership and Membership Commitments

Former Members


Fatima Paul

Executive Director

Phone: 209-756-6965